It's An O2 Mass Data Revolution

Some UK O2 users are planning revolution...not quite on the streets...more in the air.

They're angry that the network is planning strict caps on data use, revealed when O2 announced its new iPhone 4 price-plans. There's no more "unlimited use": it's all now very limited to either 500MB a month or 1GB with costly penalties if you bust.

So...the protest organisers want all O2 users in the UK to use as much data as they possibly can on June 24, the iPhone 4 launch day.

You can imagine thousands of O2 users all bumping into each other - and everyone else - as they wonder the streets watching streaming TV, movies, music and anything else they can get on their mobiles.

The organisers are using Twitter to rally support with the #O2DataDay hashtag.

It's good to see the fight against data capping taking off.  But not quite sure what this particular demo is meant to show.

Now...what about Vodafone UK users....
