The Times Should Learn from New York

The New York Times has updated its iPad app...and it really is sweetly media-rich now.

It's added Video and Arts Sections and Twitter and Facebook sharing.

Pinching a story automatically resizes it to fill the iPad screen. Beautiful.

And what's's free.

Did you hear that Times of London.  IT'S FREE!

OK. So the UK Times has had lots of downloads from the App Store with people forking out £9.99 for 28 days subscription to a cut-down version of the paper.  And that doesn't include The Sunday Times, which no doubt Mr Murdoch will try to flog separately. But it'll be interesting to see just how many downloaders continue paying when the first month ends. I won't.

The really annoying thing about The Times app is it includes ads. We're subscribing AND getting ads. This is not the way forward for digital media.

Learn from New York.
