Why Jailbreak Your iPad?

So, you've got a new iPad. Don't really want to do any jailbreaking tampering to your shiny slate in case it, err, breaks?

Stop worrying and go ahead. It works!

Use a little download called Spirit on your PC or Mac and one click gives you loads of apps not allowed in the iTunes store. Even better, lots are free.

After you've used Spirit, you'll have The Great Saurik's Cydia app on your iPad. From that other downloads are almost endless.

One app that makes jailbreaking worth it for me is SBSettings. You can turn on and off WiFi, 3G and Edge with one swipe if your home screen. All for no dosh. Nada.

Here's a link to iClarified's fab tutorials.


It takes minutes and dah dah you're done.

So why jailbreak? Well, it's useful and it's there!

You won't regret it. Anyway, if you do you can just restore your precious in iTunes.
