New Spirit iPhone Jailbreak Could Be Soon (And Is Geohot Back On The Case)

It looks as though a jailbreak for the latest iPhone iOS4.0.1 is imminent.

The developer of the Spirit jailbreak - @comex - has tweeted:

I'm not waiting for 4.1 so I hope everyone has SHSH blobs saved. :p

So, it seems everyone with an iPhone - even an iPhone 4 - will be able to jailbreak iOS4 and iOS4.0.1.

Spirit works with Macs and PCs.

The iPhone Dev-Team has already said a new iPhone unlock is prepared.

Two excellent websites for tutorials when Spirit is released are iPhone Download Blog
and iClarified

Update: It seems Geohot, who developed the Blackra1n jailbreak, may be back on the case again.

He quit Twitter a couple of weeks ago complaining about everyone asking him when his new jailbreak for iOS4 would be out. He also set his blog to private and made it pretty clear he was retiring from the jailbreak community.

But he named Mike Cohenn on Twitter as the person who would relay any future messages from him.

Well, here's the latest tweet from Mike:

So, could Geohot - George Hotz - be going to do what he's done before and get a jailbreak out before anyone else?
To be honest. Who knows?!

Update 2: Sebastien Page has his own take on whether Geohot is back or not (he's usually correct) on his blog
