BBC iPlayer Gets 5.3 Million Hits In One Month From Apple iDevices

Yes, you read that correctly.  The BBC's iPlayer was accessed by, well very nearly, 5.3 million iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches during July.

The figures have been released by the BBC in a letter after a request under the Freedom of Information Act.

The BBC launched an Apple-device-friendly iPlayer website nearly two years ago. And it's being put to good use.

But compare that figure to the number of programmes streamed from iPlayer to Android devices during the same month - just 6,400.

That's because the only Android devices that can access iPlayer are ones running the latest Android 2.2 Froyo software, because it's the only version that can handle Flash.  And Froyo is still being rolled out.

But fear not, it's thought the BBC has an Android iPlayer app in the pipeline, as well as plans for an app for iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches.
