Does The World Texting Record Stand?

A couple of days ago, a woman from the UK claimed she'd broken the world mobile phone texting record.

She tapped out a 25-word sentence in 25.94 seconds.

She was using a Samsung Galaxy S touchscreen phone which has an input method called Swype.  It means you can type by sliding your finger over the keyboard with no need to tap.

But, reports are now pouring in from all over the, err, world from people claiming to have done the same sentence faster.  Many of them are from iPhone users without the advantage of Swype.

It's now up to the Guinness Book of World Records to sort out.

Want to give it a go?

The sentence is:

'The razor-toothed piranhas of the genera

 Serrasalmus and Pygocentrus are the most

 ferocious freshwater fish in the world. In reality

 they seldom attack a human.'

See if you can beat 25.94 seconds.

Update: Brian Sweet from Texas now claims the world texting record is his. He says he completed the sentence in 21.8 seconds. And he videoed himself doing it:
