New iPhone Software Update: What Changes Can You Expect.....

Update: iOS 4.1 software upgrade is now live in iTunes. 

Apple is due to release an update to the iPhone and iPod Touch software this week.  We're expecting iOS4.1 to be available for download in iTunes on Wednesday, September 8.  If things go true to form, it should be released at about 6pm UK time.

Just plug your phone in to your pooter, fire up iTunes and it will tell you there's an update available.

Big word of warning: if you're running a jailbroken phone, and want to keep the jailbreak, don't upgrade. But sweat not too much, it seems likely a new jailbreak will be released fairly soon.

So, what changes are we expecting with iOS4.1:

Bug Fixes
At last Apple may have fixed the really annoying proximity sensor problem, where the iPhone 4 keypad fails to deactivate when you shove the phone to your face to talk to someone, triggering random key-presses.
Steve Jobs promised this would be fixed with iOS4.1. Let's hope so.

And good news for iPhone 3G owners.  Stevie has also promised this release will stop your phone crawling along like a slug in syrup. Big speed-ups all round for 3G owners, apparently.

There should be other fixes as well, for example better Bluetooth pairing.

HDR Photos
That stands for High Dynamic Range and basically it means you should get better looking photos.

If you click the HDR button when you take a pic, the phone will effectively take several shots very quicikly, and work out the best exposure. You'll still be able to take bog-standard photos but HDR snaps will take a bit long to capture and process.

HD Video Upload
The iPhone's video camera is already able to take High Definition video. With this update, you'll be able to upload your works of art to sites like YouTube in HD.

TV Show Rentals
As if by money-making magic, a new section will appear in iTunes on your phone called, err, TV rentals. You'll be able to, err, rent, err, TV shows for 99c or whatever Apple decides that is in £s. At the moment the shows are only from the American FOX and ABC networks. But Apple is trying to sign up more.

Game Centre
This will bring multi-player gaming to the iPhone. Game app writers will be able to make their app interact with Game Centre so you can do the usual stuff...invite friends to play...see high scores etc. There will be no Game Centre for iPhone 3G owners.

And that's about it. There are other tweeks, like being able to turn off the spellcheck, and there may be a few surprises.

Happy upgrading!

(Apologies to iPod Touch owners. Whenever I mention iPhone, of course, I also mean Touch as well. I just got bored typing it every time.)

Here's a video walk-through of the features in iOS4.1 from TiPb:
