Banned WikiLeaks App Raised $4,434 - Was That Why Apple Pulled It?

The developer of the WikiLeaks iPhone app that Apple banned says it was downloaded 4,434 times before it was pulled.

It took Apple two days to make the decision to scrap the app from the itunes App Store.

It was on sale for $1.99, with $1 from each sale donated to the WikiLeaks organisation. Top downloading country was Germany followed by the United States and Holland.

Apple hasn't said why the app was pulled so soon after being approved, but it could be because it was raising cash for the organisation.

Apple follows Amazon, PayPal, Mastercard, Visa and the Bank Of America in withdrawing support for WikiLeaks.

The app is still available in the Android Market.

Update: You can still get the iPhone/iPad WikiLeaks app from download it and drag it into the Apps section in iTunes.

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