Apple Faces More Legal Action Over "Data Theft"

Another group of iPhone and iPad users in the United States has started legal action against Apple following allegations that some apps feed personal information to advertisers.

It means Apple is now facing two class-action cases in the US brought by professional lawsuiters users.

The legal moves are also against some app developers, including The Weather Channel, Backflip Studios, which makes games, and

The cases allege iDevices send out so much personal information, including unique device IDs, that individual owners can be identified.

One of the legal firms behind the moves, says it's also considering a similar action against Google over its Android smartphone operating system.

The moves follow an investigation by The Wall Street Journal which tested 101 iPhone and Android apps and found 56 were sending device IDs and five even collected data on owners' age and sex.

Although come to think about it, if I didn't want people to know my location, age or sex, I'd probably have to hide away under the stairs all my life.

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