iPad Share Of Tablet Market Slips As Android Takes Off

Apple's share of the global tablet market has slipped from 95% to 75%, according to industry researcher Strategy Analytics.

The figures are for the last three months of 2010 and show a big increase in tablets running Google's Android operating system - from 2.3% to 22%.

By far the biggest slice of the Android market was taken by the 7" Samsung Galaxy Tab, which was launched in October and sold 2m in the last quarter of last year. Apple has sold 14.8m iPads since its release last April.

Apple is still hoping the iPad will become the iconic tablet, like the iPod did in the MP3 portable music device market.

But it's going to have a tough time against Android. Two devices due to be released later this year look set to grab big slices of the market - the 10.1" Motorola Xoom and the 7" Blackberry PlayBook.  The Motorola device will run Android 3.0 Honeycomb, an update specially designed for tablets.

(Via: Bloomberg)
