Samsung Fights To Get Apple To Hand Over Next Generation iPhone and iPad

If court papers bring a cold shiver...well, certainly don't work in the world of high tech,  because they're flying around all over the pace.  It seems everyone is suing everyone else for some sort of copyright infringement.

Potentially the biggest is Apple vs Samsung.

Apple says Samsung copied the iPhone and iPad with it's Galaxy S smartphone and Galaxy Tab slate.  Last week, a judge in California ordered Samsung to had over to Apple lawyers unreleased devices.

It must be said, these devices - like the Galaxy Tab 10 and Galaxy S 11 - are so near release that review devices are already out.

But now Samsung is demanding to see Apple's next generation iPhone and iPad.  It wants to see the - presumably prototype - devices and their packaging by June 13.  Samsung's lawyers argue they need to see Apple's devices so they can evaluate whether there'll be any confusion between the Apple and Samsung products.

(Via: ThisIsMyNext)
