Facebook iPad App Is Locked Up Inside iPhone App

Update: Facebook has now blocked the iPad app from working. It seems if you unlocked it early, it will work...but unlocking it now will fail. Guess we'll have to wait for the official release.

We've been waiting for it for ages. We've been promised it. And it seems the Facebook app for the iPad could be with us very soon.

Well, actually, it's already with us. It's locked away in the recently-updated iPhone app. So presumably, with another update it will be unlocked an ready to fly. Or, if you're not fainthearted, you can do it now.

TechCrunch has already unlocked Facebook for iPad:

For the past couple hours, I’ve been using Facebook’s iPad app. Well, I should qualify this. I can’t be sure if this is the version they’ll actually ship, but based on everything I’ve seen, I’m going to assume it’s at least very close to the version they’re going to ship. While much of it is written with HTML5 (as you might expect from Facebook), the native iPad work is very good too.
In particular, the navigation system is great. Unlike the iPhone app — which even its creator is complaining about now as being stale — the Facebook iPad app uses a left-side menu system that can be accessed by the touch of a button or the flick of the iPad screen. The app also makes great use of the pop-overs (overlay menus) found in other iPad apps. When you flip the iPad horizontally, the list of your online friends appears and you can chat with them as you do other things on Facebook. The photo-viewer aspect looks great — similar to the iPad’s own native Photos app. Places exists with a nice big map to show you all your friends around you. Etc.
So, I’m using it. Can you? Well, yes — if you don’t mind doing some things you’re technically not supposed to do to your iPad. We obviously don’t recommend it, but if you catch my drift, I’m sure you can figure out a way to access Facebook for iPad. Related, it must be noted that a Canadian engineering student, Marvin Bernal, who calls himself an “iOS Enthusiast” actually noticed this Facebook mistake almost immediately and tweeted about it.
 (Source: TechCrunch)
