HP Knifes webOS In The Back...And Lets It Bleed To Death

Oh Palm. Why did you sell out to HP. You had a great smartphone operating system. webOS could have challenged Apple's iOS and Google's Android. And now its (virtually) dead.

OK. Palm took ages to get the Pre, the first smartphone running webOS, onto the market and by that time Apple's iPhone was leading the way.

But with some good hardware and marketing, it could have been up there too. It's a truly elegant and user-friendly OS.
But, the Pre didn't sell much. And along came the giant HP and gobbled up Palm, including webOS.

HP gave us the Pre 2 (not that different from the Pre), the Pre 3 (hardly even launched yet) and the tiny Veer (ditto). Oh, and the TouchPad tablet. But now, with hardly time to draw breath, it's killed them off.

I'm not so worried about HP killing off the hardware. It wasn't that good. My mourning is for the software.

HP says it may consider licencing webOS to another hardware manufacturer. Perhaps. Maybe.

But to everyone looking on, it seems webOS is dead. Murdered by lumbering, clunky and ugly HP hardware.

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