HP TouchPad Price Cuts Hit UK

This is rapidly becoming the TouchPad blog. But thought you may like to know that the fire-sale price cuts on the HP TouchPad 9.7" tablet have spread to the UK.

HP told retailers to slash prices after announcing it's stopping production of its webOS tablets and smartphones. The cuts first hit the US a couple of days ago, and it's now happening in the UK.
For example, the Dixons on-line stores - which include Currys and PC World - dropped prices to £89 from £349 for the 16GB model and to £115 from £479 for the 32GB model.

Needless to say, just like in the US, they sold out in minutes.

So, if you want one you'll have to keep your eyes very wide open and presumably retail store prices in the UK will follow on-line outlets and drop as well.

This really is proving to be a case of more famous in death than life for the so-called iPad-killer that launched only a few weeks ago to very mediocre reviews.

Update: Carphonewarehouse on-line is now selling TouchPads for the same discounted price. Be quick.

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Adam said…
YES. Got one from CPW. Thank you.