O2 UK Stores "Told To Prepare For iPhone 5 by September 12"

It's reported that O2 stores in the UK have been told their iPhone display stands are to be changed ready for the iPhone 5...and the change will be completed by September 12.

Does this mean the next-generation iPhone will get an international release on the 12th? Will it be released earlier in the US? Does O2 not really know any more than us and is simply updating their iPhone stands without any iPhone 5 labelling? Does Superman really exist?

MacRumors says it's been sent copies of an O2 internal notice by several readers:
The following is to advise that we are removing the old iPhone unitary between the 22nd August and the 12th September. This is a 3 week programme which will see all iPhone unitary swapped out for new iPhone unitary, and will of course prepare us for the launch of the new smart phone. At the same time we are installing an International Favourites bay to stores that can accommodate the unit, as well as replacing the existing magazine stand with a new freestanding stand.
So, things are still pointing to a September release for the iPhone 5...

 (Source: Macrumors)

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