Samsung Delays Galaxy Launch in Australia Because Of Apple Legal Fight

Samsung has delayed the launch of its new Galaxy 10.1 tab in Australia, in the face of legal moves from Apple.

Cupertino claims Samsung has copied the design of the iPad and has launched worldwide legal blocking moves. Distribution is banned in most of Europe until a full court hearing.

Now The Sydney Morning Herald reports Samsung has agreed to halt sale of the Galaxy in Australia until the end of September:
UPDATE 3.42pm: Apple and Samsung returned to court this afternoon, with Samsung agreeing not to sell or advertise the Galaxy Tab 10.1 before September 30. Apple will detail the specific patents involved in the case by this Friday and will provide a more comprehensive statement of facts by September 5. Samsung will provide points in answer by September 16, with the case going to a formal hearing on September 26 and 29. It was indicated today that top executives and inventors from both Apple and Samsung may appear in person or over video link to explain their patents.
(Via: SMH)

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