Save Your iPhone From Tiny Toddler Tantrums

We all know that babies and toddlers love playing with iPhones. That heart-scrunching moment you hand over your expensive communications miracle to tiny hands to play with that kids' app you've specially downloaded to impress amuse him/her.

Will you get your pride and joy (the iPhone) back in one piece and not sodden with dribble?

Well, fear not. Fisher-Price is coming to your rescue. It's producing a thing called the "Laugh and Learn Apptivity Centre".

It's a toddler-safe case for your iPhone. You unlock the back, put your iPhone inside, lock it again and hand over the whole kit and caboodle to those grasping sticky fingers safe in the knowledge that no damage can be done.

Or that's the theory, anyway.

Fisher-Price says it'll be on the market in October for about £10.

(Source: New York Times)

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Tony said…
Will this work with the iPod Touch? Very good idea.
IJSMblog said…
Yes, it works with the Touch. Should have included that. Thanks.