Steve Jobs Biography Goes On Sale

It's already the No1 selling book on Amazon and the iTunes bookstore...and that's just on pre-orders.

"Steve Jobs", the first authorised biography of the Apple co-founder, by Walter Isaacson goes on sale on Monday, October 24.

Its release was brought forward following Steve Jobs' death from cancer of the pancreas.

It must be said, it's been well leaked/publicised. So much so that you might be feeling you've read it already.

Steve Jobs wanted to kill Android...Steve Jobs delayed cancer surgery...Steve Jobs was desperate to get Beatles albums into iTunes....and so on.

Nevertheless, it's had good reviews from people who've read it all the way through. It's on sale in iBooks for £12.99 and from Amazon for £12.50 in hardback or £12.99 for the Kindle edition.

I suppose we should all read it on our iPads....

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