Apple Goes After Amazon Over Kindle Fire Appstore

Apple lawyers first banged on Amazon's door earlier this year over Amazon's use of the word Appstore on its website.

Amazon called its store "Amazon Appstore for Android". Apple argues it has the rights to the word(s) App Store.

Well, now Amazon has released the Kindle Fire tablet...and in promotional material it's been leaving out the words "for Android". And has it angerd Apple? Oh yes.

It's now updated its lawsuit:
“When Amazon announced in late September 2011 that it would introduce a new hardware product named the Kindle Fire (the ‘Fire’), Amazon promoted the Fire’s ability to use Amazon’s mobile software download service but omitted the ‘for Android’ phrase when using the APPSTORE mark.”
We'll have to wait a fair bit for the outcome...the case isn't due to come to court until October 2012.

(Source: Macworld)
