Easily Add Settings Shortcuts To iPhone Homescreen (Like WiFi, Brightness) Without Jailbreaking

One of the joys of jailbreaking is an app called SPSetting. It lets you control many of your iPhone settings preferences...like WiFi, Brightness, Airplane Mode etc...right from your homescreen.

So you can switch WiFi (etc) on and off without having to go into Settings.

Well, you can now do much the same without jailbreaking.

A developers, Jeff Broderick, has come up with an easy method of adding settings icons - like WiFi - to your homescreen. It means you tap the icon and you're taken straight to the WiFi section of your device settings, so you can switch WiFi, on or off.

He's designed a set of icons for individual actions including WiFi, Bluetooth, Brightness, Notifications, Location, iCloud and more.

Here's what you have to do:

Use the Safari browser on your iPhone to go to www.brdrck.me/settings
You'll see the - very nice looking - icons Jeff has come up with (they may take a bit of time to load).
Tap the icon you want.
(Be patient here. Again, it may take a bit of time to load the new page)
Again, tap the icon you want and tap "Install Icon".
You'll get a new page where you hit "Install" again.
An Unsigned Profile warning box will pop up. Hit "Install Now", then "Done".

And you're there. The icon will now be on your homescreen. You can repeat the procedure for all the icons you want and you could even group them together in their own folder in the normal way.

Thanks Jeff. It's made waiting for an iPhone 4S jailbreak a little bit easier!
