Top 25 Worst Passwords Of 2011

The most common method of hacking into someone's on-line account is guessing the password.

Hackers call easy-to-guess passwords "low-hanging fruit" because it's easiest to reach.

Internet security firm SplashData has now released a list of the 25 worst passwords it's come across so far this year involving hacked accounts.

Click "Continue Reading" to find out what they are:

  1. password
  2. 123456
  3. 12345678
  4. qwerty
  5. abc123
  6. monkey [we're not sure why this one is so high up the list, but whatever]
  7. 1234567
  8. letmein
  9. trustno1 [hahahahaha]
  10. dragon
  11. baseball
  12. 111111
  13. iloveyou
  14. master
  15. sunshine
  16. ashley
  17. bailey
  18. passw0rd [oh, you're so clever, substituting a number for a letter]
  19. shadow
  20. 123123
  21. 654321
  22. superman [the real Superman would use a far better password, like 'f0rtre550f501itud3']
  23. qazwsx
  24. michael
  25. football
