Windows Phone OS To "Overtake Apple's iOS In 2015"

We know Nokia is pinning its future survival on the success - or not - of the comparatively new Windows Phone smartphone operating system from Microsoft. The two companies have done a deal with Nokia pledging to use the OS on all its smartphones and scrap the old and clunky Symbian OS it was using.

And the partnership has made a good start with the release of the Nokia Lumia 800 (and 900 in the US) smartphone. There's also the more basic Lumia 710 and no doubt many more devices in the coming months and years.

It seems Nokia will be the big player for Windows Phone, even though other manufacturers, like HTC and LG, have used it on devices.

One market analyst, IHS, says it believes Windows Phone OS will overtake Apple's iOS in device sales in 2015, although still leaving Google's Android top dog.
