Twitter iPhone App Updated With Swipe Control And Font Resizing

The official iPhone Twitter app has been updated to version 4.1...and, at last, it includes font resizing.

Yes, if you haven't got absolutely perfect vision and find it difficult to squint at 14pt type, rejoice. You can now increase the app's font - in increments - to 20pt.

There are other changes as well, including the return of swipe gestures. You can right-swipe a tweet to bring up various controls like retweet, favourite, share and reply.

What's New in Version 4.1

Changes are for iPhone only:
- Swipe shortcut
- Copy and paste for tweets and profiles
- Press and hold actions on links in tweet details
- Font size settings
- Direct Message improvements
- Confirmation alert for Find Friends
- Improved startup time and general performance improvement
- Improved image quality in tweet detail
- Accessibility improvements
- Profile shows whether a user follows you
- Verified badges in people search results
- New language: Turkish
- Lots of other polish and bug fixes
The Twitter iPhone app is a free download in the Apple App Store and the update is now live worldwide.
