Ayecon iPhone Theme Sets New Standard

We don't often recommend iPhone themes, but there's a new one you should try. It's called Ayecon and it's the sharpest, cleanest, clearest theme we've seen

Of course, your iPhone will have to be jailbroken and you'll have to install the Winterboard  app to make the theme work. And you'll have to pay for it. Ayecon is $2.99 in the Cydia app store.

It's designed for Retina displays on the iPhone 4 and 4S.

Ayecon developer, Surenix, was behind our previous favourite theme InPulse.

The theme uses the high-definition Retina display much better than Apple's in-built offering. Ayecon has a stock of more than 120 replacement icons that are automatically placed.

Give it a go. Your iPhone screen will take on a new life.
