Sparrow Email: Looks Like Another One Bites The Dust....

A few weeks ago, we (and lots of others) raved about Sparrow iPhone email app, which was looking like it could become a better alternative to the built-in iOS email system.

Well, bad news folks. Sparrow has been bought by Google. There's no figure, but The Verge says it could be less than $25m.

Sparrow worked well on the iPhone - as did the Mac version - and the developers were promising an iPad app too. OK, it fell down a bit from lack of notifications of new mail, but that was because of Apple's strict restrictions on what apps can and can't do...and there was a jailbreak tweak to add the function if you wanted.

Google's Gmail iOS app has been lacklustre, to say the least. So, it seems Google has bought the expertise behind Sparrow, which will now no doubt die a horrible death through lack of updates.


You can still get Sparrow for £1.99 in the Apple App Store.
