Show off your WP8 Start Screen with Rowi

Still sweating over the Tiles layout on your spanking new Windows Phone 8 Start Screen? Not got it quite right yet?

Well, you can get some hints from other's designs at a new Start Screen Tiles sharing website launched by Hidden Pineapple, the developers of the Rowi Twitter app for Windows Phone.

Then, when you're happy with what you've got, you can upload a screenshot of your masterpiece to and show it off to others.

Uploading to the website can be done by signing in with a Facebook or Twitter account.

Screenshots is a new feature in WP8: hold the Windows button and Power button at the same time and you'll find the pic in a screenshots folder in your photos.

Great idea. I never thought I'd be using grey tiles until I saw some of the offerings at

(Via: WPCentral)
