Microsoft updates Facebook app for Windows Phone 7.5

Microsoft has released an update to its official Facebook app for Windows Phone 7.5 devices. There are new features and a definite speed improvement.

Facebook for Windows Phone makes it easy to stay connected and share information with friends. You can post status updates, receive Live Tile updates, check your news feed, review upcoming events, check in to places, manage your inbox, upload photos, publish notes, accept friend requests, pin Places and Messages as Tiles, and look at your friends’ photos, walls and info.
And don’t forget about Facebook Chat – it’s built into the Messaging app on your Windows Phone.
New for version 2.3: view Groups, visit Pages, set post privacy, view who Liked your posts, filter your Feed, view optional banner photos (turn on in settings), and enjoy the updated navigation.
It follows the release a couple of weeks ago of the Facebook app for Windows Phone 8 

Get the new WP7.5 Facebook app here.
