Apple releases iOS6.1 update...expect an untethered jailbreak very soon

Apple has released the latest update to its iOS operating system for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

iOS6.1 isn't the most exciting of Apple's updates:
  • LTE support for more carriers (Apple previously announced that it would add more LTE carriers this week). 36 additional iPhone carriers. 23 additional iPad carriers. 
  • Purchase movie tickets through Fandango via Siri (US only)
  • iTunes Match subscribers can now download individual songs from iCloud
  • New button to reset the Advertising Identifier. does mean hackers can now release the jailbreak they've been keeping up their sleeves and you can get out of the stiflingly expensive Apple walled-garden ecosystem.

There was no jailbreak released for the previous iOS version - even though an exploit had been found.

The team working on the jailbreak wanted to keep it secret until iOS6.1 was released so Apple couldn't plug the hole.

The programmers working on the jailbreak are expected to release it very soon...possibly within a matter of days.

Update: One of the hackers-in-chief, MuscleNerd, has Tweeted a strong hint that the jailbreak could be released on Sunday:

Update 2: The jailbreak team is urging you NOT to update to iOS6.1 using the over-the-air update button on your device if you want a trouble-free jailbreak process. Instead, they say, update using iTunes. 

But don't worry if you've already done the OTA update: when the jailbreak is released, just make sure you've got a current back-up of your device - either on iTunes or iCloud - and RESTORE your device using iTunes before jailbreaking. 
