Come on Microsoft...give us a Notification Centre for Windows Phone

Dear Microsoft,

If there's one missing feature that's going to make me stop using Windows Phone, it's a Notification Centre.

Smartphone users rely on their devices for lots of different ways of communicating...calls, texts, emails and social networks to name a few. And we need a central place to keep up to date with these.

At the moment, we have to rely on notifications from individual apps and we all know that very often these don't work.

You have Toast notifications - those tiny banners that appear at the top of the screen - but they only appear for a few seconds and even if you hear them you've missed them as you trip over yourself in the rush to get to your phone in time.

We can flick our Start Screen to the right to get a list of apps. Why can't we flick it left to get a list of notifications?

Your rivals - Android, iOS and Blackberry - do it.

You've said you're working on it but you ran out of time to include it in Windows Phone 8.

That was some time ago. And still nothing.

You're fighting for survival in the smartphone market and this is one feature that could save you from a premature death.

We need it now.


Anonymous said…
I feel bad for this dead horse.
Anonymous said…

Not stop beating that poor dead horse.