Instance update: It's now working again...

The third-party Instagram app for Windows Phone 8, Instance, had its problems yesterday...and it's got more today.

It seems Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, is taking action against Instagram by deleting photos uploaded using the third-party app.

They appear on users Instagram page for a short time before disappearing. And it seems Instagram is taking similar action again other "unofficial" apps.

Instance uses an unofficial way of uploading to Instagram, which has so far refused to release an official app for Windows Phone.

Instance Developer Daniel Gary says he's working hard to find a fix:

Update: Instagram is now allowing uploads from Instance but they're being classified as private and not public. It's reported that Instagram didn't mean to delete posts from third-party was a side effect of changes being made. 

Perhaps Instagram will now sort out the public/private problem.

Update 2: Instance developer Daniel Gary says the app is now working as it should. He's promising to push out an update:
