Moto G is Motorola's biggest-selling smartphone ever

We've been saying for ages that the days of expensive top-of-the-range smartphones dominating the market are over. And here's more evidence.

Motorola's senior vice-president of product management (deep breath) Rick Osterloh says the budget-priced Moto G is the company's "most successful, highest-selling" smartphone ever.

And remembering how many smartphones Motorola has released over the years, that's one hell of a lot of devices.

And why?

Because you can pick up a Moto G for about £100...and it works well. It would give the iPhone a run for its money. It's well built, has a stunning display and does almost everything a top-end device can do.

Apple started the trend of shelling out £600+ for a smartphone, but that was nearly seven years ago.

Now, expensive devices are really just to show off with.

And let's be honest, there isn't that much difference between operating systems these days. Android, iOS and Windows Phone will all eventually look like each other.  

Get yourself a Moto G...or a Nokia Lumia 520 (about £70)...or, if you really want to splash out, a Google Nexus 5 (£240)...and save yourself some money.

They're all well-built, fast, powerful smartphones and they're not just for emerging markets. They're taking over in all markets.
