Microsoft confirms...Windows Phone will also skip 9...and unify with Windows 10

Windows Vice President Joe Belfiore has confirmed that the next major release version of Windows Phone will be....Windows 10.

He was speaking as Microsoft announced the release next year of Windows 10 for tablets and PCs.

The eventual aim is for all hardware powered by Microsoft will have the same operating system label, even if the actual OS is tweaked to cope with different size devices.

Redmond wants switching from using a smartphone, to a tablet, to a laptop to a desktop to be a seamless experience using Windows. Once you know how to work'll know how to work them all. It could even take in other tech like smartwatches. Well, that's the theory anyway.

It also wants developers to produce "universal apps" that will work on all Windows-powered hardware and be available from the same online store.

No details were given for a release of Windows 10 (for smartphones) but Windows 10 (for tablets and PCs) will launch "mid-2015".

In much the same move, Apple is trying to make its Mac OS for laptops and desktops merge with its iOS for iPhones and iPads.

Google too is going down that road. It has Android OS for phones and tablets and Chrome for PCs, which are also in the process of a slow merge.
