Rudy Huyn releases 6cret Secrets client

Update: Huyn has temporarily withdrawn the app from the store because he says there was a Facebook login problem. It should be back soon. 

Update 2: And it's back.

Windows Phone now has an app for the Secret social network. Developer Rudy Huyn has released 6cret, a third-party client app.

It joins his suite of apps including 6tag, 6snap and 6tin.
Share anonymously with friends, co-workers and people nearby. Find out what your friends are really thinking and feeling.
• Secret posts come from friends, but you won’t know which one.
• Write back anonymously.
• When people love your secret, it spreads to their friends and can travel around the world.
Say what you’re really thinking and be yourself.
6cret works on Windows Phone 8.1. You can get it here:
