Nokia branding will return, says new boss

Nokia branding may return to consumer products, says the company's CEO Rajeev Suri.

But, he says, it will probably be through licensing the name to other manufacturers and not producing hardware itself.

It's been widely predicted that the Nokia brand may return to smartphone manufacturing when Microsoft's licensing deal to use the name runs out at the end of 2016.

Microsoft bought Nokia's mobile phone division earlier this year and is currently busy rebranding Nokia Lumia smartphones to Microsoft Lumia smartphones.

But Suri's comments make it seem unlikely that Nokia is planning a direct return to smartphone manufacturing:
"We are not looking to a direct consumer return to handsets per se," he said, but added that the Nokia "brand will return to the consumer world" through licensing deals in the longer term."
We must admit, it's a little unclear - especially the "per se" bit.

Will Nokia get back into smartphones?

Yes, it probably will.

Will Nokia manufacture smartphones again?


(Source: ZDNet)
