The mess that is the Lumia Denim update steps up a gear

It seems like the Denim firmware update for Lumia smartphones has been rolling out for ages.

And it has been ages.

Not so much a rollout, more a trickle-out.

Consumers are confused. And so am I.

For example, Microsoft says the SIMfree UK version of the Lumia 1320 can be updated now.

No it can't.

I've tried and am still getting the perpetual "your phone is up to date blah blah" message.

Well, there's still hope. It seems Microsoft may be stepping up the trickle-out. It's reported the Lumia 930 is now getting it in many countries.

I know it's difficult for Microsoft: the updates have to be approved by carriers...but surely this can be streamlined.

Redmond has got round the OS update problem by releasing the Preview for Developers scheme so we can get updates quickly.

Can't the same be done with firmware updates? Especially as Microsoft now owns Lumia...and Lumia has 90% of the Windows phone market.

Perhaps it will all change with the highly-anticipated release of Windows 10 and we'll know more about that next week.

Or perhaps it will stay as fragmented and confusing as it is now.'s the link so you can find out if you should have Denim now.
