App Tip: iPhone UK TV Guide With Alerts

There are quite a few TV listing apps out there, although not that many for UK TV channels.

I've tried a few and here's what I think is the best of the bunch for the iPhone in the UK.

It's free and it's got a pretty ungainly name on iTunes:  But don't let that put you's good.

Options lets you choose the most common TV channel set-ups in the UK..Sky, Freeview, Virgin etc...and it will
automatically filter out channels not on that platform.  You can also then go through and delete ones you're not interested in.

It will then give you a now-and-next list of what's on.

Poke a programme title and it comes up with a list of all that day's programme.

Then it gets interesting. Poke an individual programme and a box pops up that lets you set an alarm that sounds before the programme starts, add programme time and details to your calendar or - if you've got SKY, activate a remote record.

After a few updates recently, it works pretty well and the app is free. There are banner ads at the very bottom of each screen. They're not too intrusive and they don't take you out of the app and into Safari if you hit them. is in iTunes here.

There's also a version for the iPad and it's also free.
