Apple Slaps A Ban On Steve Jobs Action Man

Remember that Steve Jobs action man model I told you about a couple of days ago?

Well, you can't buy it any more. Why?

Because Apple has sent a cease and desist message to the people selling the figure.  So they've had to withdraw it from sale because it infringes copyrights.  Yes, copyrights!

It's a beautiful creation that would look, err, crap perfect on anyone's desktop.

Smaller than an iPad but bigger than an iPhone 4, it meant you could have your very own tiny Steve Jobs in your own home.

The website selling it, MICgadget, sold out and ordered more. But then came the message from Apple.

"Apple Inc. has informed us that this phenomenal SJ action figure, has not consented to the use of Apple’s copyrights and trademarks, therefore they request us immediately to cease the marketing and sale of this figure."

If you managed to get one...well done. If not, you can stuff that $79.90 back in your pocket and buy something food...or alcohol. 
