Kindle Is Amazon's Best Selling Product

Amazon says it's third-generation Kindle is now officially its best selling product worldwide. That's best selling out of everything the superstore stocks. Everything.

This will bring big sighs of relief at Amazon headquarters. It means the Kindle has probably seen off the iPad as the bookreader of default...for the time being.

Of course, there are no figures. Amazon never releases figures. But at a guess, it's probably sold eight million Kindles this year - the majority being the third generation device.

It's Top Three products in the crucial run-up to Christmas were the Kindle WiFi, the Kindle WiFi/3G, and the 8GB iPod touch.

It means Amazon has now sold more Kindles than copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - the previous holder of the top-seller award.

(via: Amazon press release)

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