HP To Licence webOS To Samsung?

webOS is a good smartphone operating system. It was developed by Palm and is now owned by HP after its buy-out of Palm.

The trouble is both Palm and now HP haven't backed up the OS with decent hardware. It's always been too underpowered and too late. The Palm Pre was a good example: pre-production devices got rave reviews, but it took Palm months and months to get it on sale to the public, by which time other manufacturers had overtaken it.

Now HP CEO Leo Apotheker has confirmed the company is in talks with other hardware manufacturers to licence webOS to them.

Bloomberg reports that Apotheker is refusing to name the manufacturers but three sources say Samsung is certainly one.

As I said, webOS is a good operating system and could easily rival Google's Android.  And if Samsung supply the hardware, it might just be a goer.

(Via: Bloomberg)

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