Chief Rabbi "Clarifies" Claim That Steve Jobs Helped Create "Selfish Society"

It may have been a cheap throwaway pun, but it caused an outcry when the UK's Chief Rabbi accused Steve Jobs of helping to create a selfish consumer culture that can only bring unhappiness.

"It's all I, I, I now", said Lord Sacks.

Well, he now feels his comments were misinterpreted, according to a statement issued by his office to AppleInsider:
"The Chief Rabbi meant no criticism of either Steve Jobs personally or the contribution Apple has made to the development of technology in the 21st century," the office's official statement reads. "He admires both and indeed uses both an iPhone and an iPad on a daily basis. The Chief Rabbi was simply pointing out the potential dangers of consumerism when taken too far."
It didn't sound like "no criticism of Steve Jobs" when he made the comments.
