iPad Loses Market Share To Kindle Fire

Figures just out show Apple's iPad is losing tablet market share to Amazon's Kindle Fire.

The data from research company iSuppli gives the iPad 57% share of the global tablet market in Q4 of 2011. That's down from 64% in Q3.

For a device just released, Amazon got a very healthy 14% share of the market in Q4.

While Apple still managed to shift a record 15.4m iPads in Q4, it does indicate that the Kindle Fire is the first real opposition it's encountered. And that's with the Fire only on sale in the US. It's thought Amazon will start rolling it out internationally - including the UK - within the next couple of months.

While the Fire is smaller, it's also got a much lighter price tag - $200 compared with $499 for the cheapest iPad 2.
