UK Train Times iOS App "Forced To Change Logo"

There's an update out for the best iOS app for national train times in the UK.

The aptly-named UK Train Times app has been using the National Rail logo (top) for years and the update is mainly to change the logo (bottom).

Developer, Agant, says it's been forced into the change by the Association of Train Operating Companies:
We were contacted by ATOC in February 2012, asking us to end the use of the National Rail logo on our icon "to avoid confusion on the App Stores". We have therefore decided to change our app's icon, as we are keen to continue using the ATOC data feeds in order to keep UK Train Times on the App Store.
There you go. Now you know why the icon on your homescreen is changing with the update. If ATOC feel so strongly about it, perhaps they should get their act together and release their own app. Perhaps that's why they've demanded Agant drop their logo?

UK Train Times for iPhone and iPad is £4.99 in the Apple App Store. The update is, of course, free if you've already got the app.

(Source: Agant website)
