Apple follows Windows Phone with new iOS 7 design

Apple has unveiled a redesign of its iOS operating system and, boy, does it take a leaf out of the Windows Phone book.

iOS7 will be "more colourful" and feature a simpler UI with larger, easier-to-read text.

Just the kind of thing Microsoft has been doing with Windows Phone OS for three years.

Windows Phone 8
One built-in iOS 7 app Apple gave us a peek at was the Weather App. It looks like it could be straight from a Windows Phone device with its clear typeface and minimal design:

Apple badly needs to bring its OS up-to-date: it has hardly changed since the first iPhone was released nearly seven years ago.

But it mustn't change too much or it will confuse customers who've got used to it. 

Drive away existing customers vs Attract new customers

iOS 7 is still in the testing stage and won't be released to the public until the autumn, just about the time Microsoft is planning its next major update to Windows Phone.
