6tag now lets you hide Instagram ads

There's still no official Instagram app on Windows Phone but the unofficial 6tag app just gets better and better.

It's been updated with new features including the ability to hide Instagram ads.

Instagram, owned by Facebook, has just started "sponsored posts" in the photo-sharing network. It says it's only open to companies it likes (blah blah), but it boils down to advertising.

It's like most of the big social networks: they've now got to start to make money and that's got to be through advertising, which they're hoping won't piss off too many users and make them defect. Egg. Chicken.

We admire 6tag for offing this ad block, but wonder how Instagram will react. Apparently, it's been fairly co-operative with the 6tag developer. Will this force Instagram to withdraw that co-operation?

Get 6tag here:
