Best bargain smartphones: Nokia Lumia 520 vs Motorola Moto G

There's never been a better time to buy a cheap smartphone. In fact, some say the days of the £600 computer-in-your-pocket (who said Apple) are numbered.

You can now get a perfectly reasonable, fast, good-looking, snappy smartphone for around £100. And many people would be hard pressed to spot the difference when operating these entry-level devices compared with the iPhones and Galaxys of this tech world.

Our two favourite "affordable" phones are the Nokia Lumia 520 (£100 from Amazon, but cheaper if you hunt around) and the Motorola Moto G (£104 from Tesco Mobile and less than £3 to buy an unlock code on eBay).

Both are excellent devices and not just because of their pricetag. They are a pleasure to use, with no annoying lag or stutter.

The only real choice to be made is which operating system: the Lumia is Windows Phone 8 and the Motorola Moto G is KitKat, the latest version of Google's Android OS. Google has a larger app store, but WP is catching up and most of the biggies are available.

If we had to choose....the Moto would just get it, but it's a close thing.

Here's a link so you can compare the specs for yourself.
