Error 80188309 glitch for Nokia Lumia Black worldwide update

It looks like Nokia is speeding ahead with the roll-out of the Black update for Lumia Windows Phone devices....perhaps a little too fast.

Users are reporting failed installation of the update with error code 80188309.

Complaints are rolling in at the official Microsoft Windows Phone forums.

The Lumia Black firmware update comes bundled with Microsoft's Update 3 for the Windows Phone 8 operating system. And one theory about the problem is that devices are downloading Black but Update 3 is still not available in some areas. 

Black needs Update 3 to work. And that could be causing failed installations of Black. 

But Black is installing fine if Lumia owners already have Update 3 through Microsoft's freely-available Preview for Devs app. 

The message is....keep hitting that update button.

Update: It also seems many users can't download Black-specific Nokia apps after the download - like Nokia Camera and Nokia Refocus. They get "not available for your device" messages in the Windows Phone Store. Another trying-to-get-it-out-in-a-rush glitch?

Update 2: This post on the Microsoft Windows Phone forum seems to back up the theory that some users are missing out on WP Update 3 when downloading Black:


Biv's X-pecto said…
So how the average user going to install Update 3 manually and then Black from Settings...what is the time frame for the fix?
Unknown said…
In my case the solution was a simple one..
I found out that the date and timesettings had been reverted to june 6th 2013 4.30 AM. After restoring/setting it to the correct date and time the issue had been solved.
dheeraj jain said…
i dunno, i got errors multiple times, felt to throw my cell on wall, restarted it 5-6 times. . nothing worked, again restarted and bingo, i got alert that update is available and the download started. i sincerely request NOKIA, MICROSOFT to be sincere towards WINDOWS PHONE LOVERS.